Upholstery fabrics


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Upholstery fabrics

A luxurious armchair upholstered in tapestry, a set upholstered in textured jacquard, delicate silk on a sofa, or a metal chair with velvet trim… modern collections of upholstery and furniture fabrics present truly unique opportunities for creating exclusive design. New technologies for weaving and coloring make it possible to create materials that are not only durable, but also uncommon in texture and pattern, which can emphasize both the aesthetics of a classic set and the originality of modern minimalist or high-tech furniture.

At present, there is a wide variety of upholstery and furniture fabrics, while all of them are divided into three types: synthetic fabrics, semi-synthetic and natural. Each type of upholstery material has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The first type is represented by the most diverse range of materials for high-quality upholstery - synthetic fabrics. In the production of modern synthetic materials, safe and environmentally friendly technologies are used. The uniqueness of modern synthetics is that, with optimal compliance with the aesthetics of natural fabrics, synthetic analogues can be lighter, they are not allergenic, much more durable and much more practical. A bright representative of synthetic upholstery is flock - artificial velvet.

The second type of upholstery fabrics is semi-synthetic, which are represented by incomparable materials: jacquard, boucle, tapestry, chinille (similar to velor), microfiber, artificial leather. As a rule, such fabrics can contain up to 80 percent synthetic fibers.

The third type is natural fabrics. These are cotton, linen, silk, wool materials, as well as genuine leather (including suede). Natural furniture fabrics have the highest aesthetic qualities, are valuable for their environmental friendliness and anti-allergenicity, and provide natural comfort. The disadvantages of such materials are fragility, the possibility of shrinkage and creasing, low wear resistance. But even the shortcomings of such materials rarely become an obstacle to the desire to have furniture with spectacular natural upholstery, especially from the fabric of a well-known manufactory. Natural fabrics are popular not only as furniture upholstery, but also as wraps and bedspreads.

It is worth noting that all furniture and upholstery fabrics, regardless of their types, are always extremely practical, especially when it comes to fabrics from eminent manufactories. Many years of experience allows such factories to create modern fabrics that combine traditional weaving technologies with modern innovations. When purchasing upholstery fabrics, designers are advised to follow several rules. Colors, texture of furniture fabric can both bring zest to the overall interior, and completely guide its style. The latter is true if the suite dominates the interior of the room, when the pattern and color of the upholstery fabric will create an important accent in the whole mood of the room's image. An important tip for using fabric for furniture that will be located outdoors, or in direct sunlight (by the window), is to pay attention to synthetic materials that are less prone to fading, they are easier to clean.

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